Mamouri, R., Ansmann, A.

Potential of polarization lidar to provide profiles of CCN- and INP-relevant aerosol parameters

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 5905-5931


Mamouri, R.-E., Ansmann, A., Nisantzi, A., Solomos, S., Kallos, G., Hadjimitsis, D. G.

Extreme dust storm over the eastern Mediterranean in September 2015: Satellite, lidar, and surface observations in the Cyprus region

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 13711-13724


Skupin, A., Ansmann, A., Engelmann, R., Seifert, P., Müller, T.

Four-year long-path monitoring of ambient aerosol extinction at a central European urban site: Dependence on relative humidity

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 1863-1876



Amiridis, V., Marinou, E., Tsekeri, A., Wandinger, U., Schwarz, A., Giannakaki, E., Mamouri, R., Kokkalis, P., Binietoglou, I., Solomos, S., Herekakis, T., Kazadzis, S., Gerasopoulos, E., Kottas, M., Balis, D., Papayannis, A., Kontoes, C., Kourtidis, K., Papagiannopoulos, N., Mona, L., Pappalardo, G., Le Rille, O., Ansmann, A.

LIVAS: A 3-D multi-wavelength aerosol/cloud database based on CALIPSO and EARLINET

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 7127-7153


Bühl, J., Leinweber, R., Görsdorf, U., Radenz, M., Ansmann, A., Lehmann, V.

Combined vertical-velocity observations with Doppler lidar, cloud radar and wind profiler

Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 3527-3536


Groß, S., Freudenthaler, V., Schepanski, K., Toledano, C., Schäfler, A., Ansmann, A., Weinzierl, B.

Optical properties of long-range transported Saharan dust over Barbados as measured by dual-wavelength depolarization Raman lidar measurements

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 11067-11080


Mamouri, R. E., Ansmann, A.

Dust-related ice nuclei profiles from polarization lidar: Methodology and case studies

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 3463-3477


Schmidt, J., Ansmann, A., Bühl, J., Wandinger, U.

Strong aerosol–cloud interaction in altocumulus during updraft periods: Lidar observations over central Europe

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 10687-10700


Seifert, P., Kunz, C., Baars, H., Ansmann, A., Bühl, J., Senf, F., Engelmann, R., Althausen, D., Artaxo, P.

Seasonal variability of heterogeneous ice formation in stratiform clouds over the Amazon Basin

Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 5587-5593


Simmel, M., Bühl, J., Ansmann, A., Tegen, I.

Ice phase in altocumulus clouds over Leipzig: Remote sensing observations and detailed modelling

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 10453-10470



Dahlkötter, F., Gysel, M., Sauer, D., Minikin, A., Baumann, R., Seifert, P., Ansmann, A., Fromm, M., Voigt, C., Weinzierl, B.

The Pagami Creek smoke plume after long-range transport to the upper troposphere over Europe – Aerosol properties and black carbon mixing state

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 6111-6137


Granados-Muñoz, M. J., Guerrero-Rascado, J. L., Bravo-Aranda, J. A., Navas-Guzmán, F., Valenzuela, A., Lyamani, H., Chaikovsky, A., Wandinger, U., Ansmann, A., Dubovik, O., Grudo, J. O., Alados-Arboledas, L.

Retrieving aerosol microphysical properties by Lidar-Radiometer Inversion Code (LIRIC) for different aerosol types

J. Geophys. Res. - Atmos., 119, 4836–4858


Kanitz, T., Ansmann, A., Foth, A., Seifert, P., Wandinger, U., Engelmann, R., Baars, H., Althausen, D., Casiccia, C., Zamorano, F.

Surface matters: Limitations of CALIPSO V3 aerosol typing in coastal regions

Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 2061-2072


Kanitz, T., Engelmann, R., Heinold, B., Baars, H., Skupin, A., Ansmann, A.

Tracking the Saharan air layer with shipborne lidar across the tropical Atlantic

Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 1044-1050


Mamouri, R. E., Ansmann, A.

Fine and coarse dust separation with polarization lidar

Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 3717-3735


Nisantzi, A., Mamouri, R. E., Ansmann, A., Hadjimitsis, D.

Injection of mineral dust into the free troposphere during fire events observed with polarization lidar at Limassol, Cyprus

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14, 12155-12165


Pappalardo, G., Amodeo, A., Apituley, A., Comeron, A., Freudenthaler, V., Linné, H., Ansmann, A., Bösenberg, J., D'Amico, G., Mattis, I., Mona, L., Wandinger, U., Amiridis, V., Alados-Arboledas, L., Nicolae, D., Wiegner, M.

EARLINET: Towards an advanced sustainable European aerosol lidar network

Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 2389-2409


Schmidt, J., Ansmann, A., Bühl, J., Baars, H., Wandinger, U., Müller, D., Malinka, A. V.

Dual-FOV Raman and Doppler lidar studies of aerosol-cloud interactions: Simultaneous profiling of aerosols, warm-cloud properties, and vertical wind

J. Geophys. Res. - Atmos., 119, 5512-5527


Skupin, A., Ansmann, A., Engelmann, R., Baars, H., Müller, T.

The Spectral Aerosol Extinction Monitoring System (SÆMS): Setup, observational products, and comparisons

Atmos. Meas. Tech., 7, 701-712



Amiridis, V., Wandinger, U., Marinou, E., Giannakaki, E., Tsekeri, A., Basart, S., Kazadzis, S., Gkikas, A., Taylor, M., Baldasano, J., Ansmann, A.

Optimizing CALIPSO Saharan dust retrievals

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 12089-1210 , ISBN: 1680-7316


Bühl, J., Seifert, P., Wandinger, U., Baars, H., Kanitz, T., Schmidt, J., Myagkov, A., Engelmann, R., Skupin, A., Heese, B., Klepel, A., Althausen, D., Ansmann, A.

LACROS: The Leipzig Aerosol and Cloud Remote Observations System

SPIE Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XVIII; and Optics in Atmospheric Propagation and Adaptive Systems XVI, Dresden, Germany, 23-26 September 2013


Bühl, J., Ansmann, A., Seifert, P., Baars, H., Engelmann, R.

Toward a quantitative characterization of heterogeneous ice formation with lidar/radar: Comparison of CALIPSO/CloudSat with ground-based observations

Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 4404–4408


Kanitz, T., Ansmann, A., Engelmann, R., Althausen, D.

North-south cross sections of the vertical aerosol distribution over the Atlantic Ocean from multiwavelength Raman/polarization lidar during Polarstern cruises

J. Geophys. Res. - Atmos., 118, 2643-2655 , ISBN: 2169-897X


Kanitz, T., Ansmann, A., Seifert, P., Engelmann, R., Kalisch, J., Althausen, D.

Radiative effect of aerosols above the northern and southern Atlantic Ocean as determined from shipborne lidar observations

J. Geophys. Res. - Atmos., 118, First published online


Müller, D., Veselovskii, I., Kolgotin, A., Tesche, M., Ansmann, A., Dubovik, O.

Vertical profiles of pure dust and mixed-smoke-dust plumes inferred from inversion of multiwavelength Raman/Polarization lidar data and comparison to AERONET retrievals and in situ observations

Appl. Optics, 52, 3178-3202


Pappalardo, G., Mona, L., D'Amico, G., Wandinger, U., Adam, M., Amodeo, A., Ansmann, A., Apituley, A., Arboledas, L. A., Balis, D., Boselli, A., Bravo-Aranda, J. A., Chaikovsky, A., Comeron, A., Cuesta, J., De Tomasi, F., Freudenthaler, V., Gausa, M., Giannakaki, E., Giehl, H., Giunta, A., Grigorov, I., Gross, S., Haeffelin, M., Hiebsch, A., Iarlori, M., Lange, D., Linne, H., Madonna, F., Mattis, I., Mamouri, R. E., McAuliffe, M. A. P., Mitev, V., Molero, F., Navas-Guzman, F., Nicolae, D., Papayannis, A., Perrone, M. R., Pietras, C., Pietruczuk, A., Pisani, G., Preissler, J., Pujadas, M., Rizi, V., Ruth, A. A., Schmidt, J., Schnell, F., Seifert, P., Serikov, I., Sicard, M., Simeonov, V., Spinelli, N., Stebel, K., Tesche, M., Trickl, T., Wang, X., Wagner, F., Wiegner, M., Wilson, K. M.

Four-dimensional distribution of the 2010 Eyjafjallajokull volcanic cloud over Europe observed by EARLINET

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 4429-4450 , ISBN: 1680-7316


Tesche, M., Wandinger, U., Ansmann, A., Althausen, D., Müller, D., Omar, A. H., Vaughan, M. A.

Ground-based validation of CALIPSO observations of dust and smoke in the Cape Verde region

J. Geophys. Res. - Atmos., 118, 2889-2902


Wagner, J., Ansmann, A., Wandinger, U., Seifert, P., Schwarz, A., Tesche, M., Chaikovsky, A., Dubovik, O.

Evaluation of the Lidar/Radiometer Inversion Code (LIRIC) to determine microphysical properties of volcanic and desert dust

Atmos. Meas. Tech., 6, 1707-1724 , ISBN: 1867-1381



Ansmann, A., Seifert, P., Bühl, J., Kanitz, T., Engelmann, R., Althausen, D.

Aerosol-cloud interaction, a notorious source of uncertainties in climate research: Role of lidar in liquid-water and mixed-phase cloud studies

26th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Porto Heli, Greece, 25-29 June 2012, 367-371

Ansmann, A., Seifert, P., Tesche, M., Wandinger, U.

Profiling of fine and coarse particle mass: Case studies of Saharan dust and Eyjafjallajökull/Grimsvötn volcanic plumes

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 12, 9399-9415


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