Heese, B., Wiegner, M.

Vertical aerosol profiles from Raman polarization lidar observations during the dry season AMMA field campaign

J. Geophys. Res. - Atmos., 113, D00C11


Kolgotin, A., Müller, D., Mattis, I.

2-Dimensional regularization for the retrieval of profiles of microphysical aerosol properties from multiwavelength Raman lidar: Experimental data

24th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Reviewed and Revised Papers Presented at the 24th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Boulder, CO, USA, 23-27 June, I, 448-451 , ISBN: ISBN 978-0-615-21489-4

Kolgotin, A., Veselovskii, I., Müller, D.

Regularization algorithm for retrieval of particle properties from multiwavelength lidar measurements using the sun photometer data as a constraint

24th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Reviewed and Revised Papers Presented at the 24th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Boulder, CO, USA, 23-27 June, II, 959-962 , ISBN: ISBN 978-0-615-21489-4

Kolgotin, A., Müller, D.

Theory of inversion with two-dimensional regularization: Profiles of microphysical particle properties derived from multiwavelength lidar measurements

Appl. Optics, 47, 4472-4490

Mattis, I., Müller, D., Ansmann, A., Wandinger, U., Preißler, J., Seifert, P., Tesche, M.

Ten years of multiwavelength Raman lidar observations of free-tropospheric aerosol layers over Central Europe: Geometrical properties and annual cycle

J. Geophys. Res. - Atmos., 113, D20202


Noh, Y. M., Kim, Y. J., Müller, D.

Seasonal characteristics of lidar ratios measured with a Raman lidar at Gwangju, Korea in spring and autumn

Atmos. Environ., 42, 2208-2224

Noh, Y. M., Kim, Y. J., Müller, D.

Vertical profiles of optical and microphysical properties of atmospheric aerosol determined by inversion of multi-wavelength Raman lidar data

24th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Reviewed and Revised Papers Presented at the 24th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Boulder, CO, USA, 23-27 June, I, 377-380 , ISBN: ISBN 978-0-615-21489-4

Papayannis, A., Amiridis, V., Mona, L., Tsaknakis, G., Balis, D., Bösenberg, J., Chaikovski, A., De Tomasi, F., Grigorov, I., Mattis, I., Mitev, V., Müller, D., Nickovic, S., Perez, C., Pietruczuk, A., Pisani, G., Ravetta, F., Rizi, V., Sicard, M., Trickl, T., Wiegner, M., Gerding, M., Mamouri, R. E., D'Amico, G., Pappalardo, G.

Systematic lidar observations of Saharan dust over Europe in the frame of EARLINET (2000-2002)

J. Geophys. Res. - Atmos., 113, D10204


Rocadenbosch, F., Mattis, I., Böckmann, C., Pappalardo, G., Bösenberg, J., Alados-Arboledas, L., Amodeo, A., Ansmann, A., Apituley, A., Balis, D., Chaikovsky, A., Comerón, A., Freudenthaler, V., Gustafsson, O., Hansen, G., Mamouri, R.-E., Mitev, V., Muñoz, C., Nicolae , D., Papayannis, A., Pérez, C., Perrone, M. R., Pietruczuk, A., Pujadas, M., Putaud, J.-P., Ravetta, F., Rizi, V., Sicard, M., Simeonov, V., Spinelli, N., Stoyanov, D., Trickl, T., Wandinger, U., Wiegner, M.

The European AErosol Research LIdar NETwork (EARLINET): An overview

International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2008 (IGARSS 2008), IEEE, Boston, MA, USA, 6-11 July, II - 410-413 (CD-ROM)

Seifert, P., Engelmann, R., Ansmann, A., Wandinger, U., Mattis, I., Althausen, D., Fruntke, J.

Characterization of specular reflections in mixed-phase and ice clouds based on scanning, polarization, and Raman lidar

24th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Boulder, CO, USA, 23-27 June, 571-574 , ISBN: ISBN 978-0-615-21489-4

Tesche, M., Althausen, D., Müller, D., Ansmann, A.

Lidar observations of pure and aged Saharan dust during the Saharan mineral dust experiments 1 and 2

24th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Reviewed and Revised Papers Presented at the 24th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Boulder, CO, USA, 23-27 June, I, 369-372 , ISBN: ISBN 978-0-615-21489-4

Tesche, M., Müller, D., Ansmann, A., Hu, M., Zhang, Y. H.

Retrieval of microphysical properties of aerosol particles from one-wavelength Raman lidar and multiwavelength Sun photometer observations

Atmos. Environ., 42, 6398-6404

Wandinger, U., Ansmann, A., Mattis, I., Müller, D., Pappalardo, G.

CALIPSO and beyond: Long-term ground-based support of space-borne aerosol and cloud lidar missions

24th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Reviewed and Revised Papers Presented at the 24th International Laser Radar Conference (ILRC), Boulder, CO, USA, 23-27 June, II, 715-718 , ISBN: ISBN 978-0-615-21489-4


Ansmann, A., Wandinger, U., Le Rille, O., Lajas, D., Straume, A. G.

Particle backscatter and extinction profiling with the spaceborne high-spectral-resolution Doppler lidar ALADIN: Methodology and simulations

Appl. Optics, 46, 6606-6622

Baars, Holger

Continuous monitoring of the planetary-boundary-layer depth with lidar

Diploma, University of Leipzig, iii, 67 pp.

Mattis, I., Müller, D., Seifert, P., Tesche, M.

CALIPSO and long-term ground based multi-wavelength Raman lidar observations

A-Train Symposium, Lille, France, 22-25 October, CD-ROM

Müller, D., Ansmann, A., Mattis, I., Tesche, M., Wandinger, U., Althausen, D., Pisani, G.

Aerosol-type-dependent lidar ratios observed with Raman lidar

J. Geophys. Res. - Atmos., 112, D16202


Müller, D., Mattis, I., Ansmann, A., Wandinger, U., Ritter, C., Kaiser, D.

Multiwavelength Raman lidar observations of particle growth during long-range transport of forest-fire smoke in the free troposphere

Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L05803


Müller, D., Mattis, I., Ansmann, A., Wandinger, U., Althausen, D.

Raman lidar for monitoring of aerosol pollution in the free troposphere

Kim, Y.-J., Platt, U. (Ed.), In: Advanced environmental monitoring, Springer, p. 422, (Springer Book Series) , ISBN: 1-402-06363-6

Müller, Detlef

Characterization of free-tropospheric particles with multiwavelength Raman lidar : Geometrical, optical, and microphysical properties of aerosol pollution from Europe, North Africa, South Africa, and North America

Habilitation, University of Leipzig, iv, 208 pp.

Seifert, P., Ansmann, A., Müller, D., Wandinger, U., Althausen, D., Heymsfield, A. J., Massie, S. T., Schmitt, C.

Cirrus optical properties observed with lidar, radiosonde, and satellite over the tropical Indian Ocean during the aerosol-polluted northeast and clean maritime southwest monsoon

J. Geophys. Res. - Atmos., 112, D17205


Tesche, M., Ansmann, A., Müller, D., Althausen, D., Engelmann, R., Hu, M., Zhang, Y.

Particle backscatter, extinction, and lidar ration profiling with Raman lidar in South and North China

Appl. Optics, 46, 6302-6308


Ansmann, A.

Ground-truth aerosol lidar observations: Can the Klett solutions obtained from ground and space be equal for the same aerosol case?

Appl. Optics, 45, 3367-3371

Ansmann, A., Ingmann, P., Le Rille, O., La Jas, D., Wandinger, U.

Particle backscatter and extinction profiling with the spaceborne HSR doppler wind lidar ALADIN

23rd International Laser Radar Conference, Nara, Japan, 24-28 July, 1015-1018

Engelbart, D., Reichardt, J., Mattis, I., Wandinger, U., Klein, V., Meister, A., Hilber, B., Jaenisch, V.

RAMSES - German meteorological service Raman lidar for atmospheric moisture sensing

23rd International Laser Radar Conference, Nara, Japan, 24-28 July, 683-686

Engelmann, R., Althausen, D., Müller, D., Tesche, M., Lehmann, K.

Wind profiles and turbulent particle fluxes measured with lidar during LAUNCH 2005

7th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling: Needs and Technologies, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 11-17 June, 2-5 - 2-6

Grein, Matthias

Charakterisierung und Erweiterung der Empfängeroptik des IfT-Ramanlidars MARTHA für kombinierte Aerosol- und Wolkenmessungen

Diploma, Universität Leipzig, ii, 78 pp.

Klein, V., Wandinger, U., Mattis, I., Reichardt, J., Engelbart, D.

RAMSES - An autonomously operating Raman lidar for long-term monitoring of the tropospheric water-vapour profile

7th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling: Needs and Technologies, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 11-17 June, 8-3 - 8-4

Kolgotin, A., Müller, D.

2-dimensional regularization for the retrieval of profiles of microphysical aerosol properties from multiwavelength Raman lidar

23rd International Laser Radar Conference, Nara, Japan, 24-28 July, 291-294

Mattis, I., Jaenisch, V.

Automated Lidar Data Analyzer (ALDA) for RAMSES - The autonomously operating German meteorological service Raman lidar for atmospheric moisture sensing

23rd International Laser Radar Conference, Nara, Japan, 24-28 July, 215-218

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