Wolke, R., Renner, E.

Anwendung des Modellsystems COSMO-MUSCAT zur Absicherung der RCG-Ergebnisse für zwei ausgewählte Minderungsszenarien und für Ballungsraum-Simulationen mit unterschiedlichen Gitterauflösungen : Teilbericht zum F&E-Vorhaben „Strategien zur Verminderung der Feinstaubbelastung - PAREST“

Report, Umweltbundesamt: UBA-Texte, Nr. 70/2013, UBA-FB 001524/ANH,30, FKZ/Projekt-Nr: 206 43 200/01, 56

Wolke, R., Schrödner, R., Tilgner, A., Herrmann, H.

The influence of cloud chemical processes on the formation of secondary particulate matter

33rd NATO/SPS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application (ITM 2013), Miami, Florida, USA, 26-30 August 2013


Heinold, B., Tegen, I., Wolke, R., Ansmann, A., Mattis, I., Minikin, A., Schumann, U., Weinzierl, B.

Simulations of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcanic ash dispersal over Europe using COSMO–MUSCAT

Atmos. Environ., 48, 195-204


König, M., Wolke, R., Knoth, O., Renner, E.

Modelling of atmospheric processes

Binder, K., Münster, G., Kremer, M. (Ed.), In: NIC Symposium 2012 : 25 Years HLRZ/NIC ; Proceedings 7 - 8 February 2012, John von Neumann Institute for Computing, Jülich, NIC Series 45, p. 313-320 , ISBN: ISBN 978-3-89336-758-0

Lieber, M., Grützun, V., Wolke, R., Müller, M. S., Nagel, W. E.

Highly scalable dynamic load balancing in the atmospheric modeling system COSMO-SPECS+FD4

Jónasson, K. (Ed.), In: Applied parallel and scientific computing: 10th International Conference, PARA 2010, Reykjavík, Iceland, June 6-9, 2010 : Revised selected papers, Part I, Springer, Heidelberg et al., p. 131-141, (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) ; 7133) , ISBN: ISBN 978-3-642-28150-1


Meier, J., Tegen, I., Mattis, I., Wolke, R., Alados Arboledas, L., Apituley, A., Balis, D., Barnaba, F., Chaikovsky, A., Sicard, M., Pappalardo, G., Pietruczuk, A., Stoyanov, D., Ravetta, F., Rizi, V.

A regional model of European aerosol transport: Evaluation with sun photometer, lidar and air quality data

Atmos. Environ., 47, 519-532


Meier, J., Tegen, I., Heinold, B., Wolke, R.

Direct and semi-direct radiative effects of absorbing aerosols in Europe: Results from a regional model

Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L09802


Schlegel, M., Knoth, O., Arnold, M., Wolke, R.

Implementation of splitting methods for air pollution modeling

Geosci. Model Dev., 5, 1395-1405


Schlegel, M., Knoth, O., Arnold, M., Wolke, R.

Numerical solution of multiscale problems in atmospheric modeling

Appl. Numer. Math., 62, 1531-1543


Solazzo, E., Bianconi, R., Vautard, R., Appel, K. W., Bessagnet, B., Brandt, J., Christensen, J. H., Chemel, C., Coll, I., van der Gon, H. D., Ferreira, J., Forkel,  R., Francis, X. V., Grell, G., Grossi, P., Hansen, A. B., Jeričević, A., Kraljević, L., Miranda, A. I., Moran, M. D., Nopmongcol, U., Pirovano, G., Prank, M., Riccio, A., Sartelet, K. N., Schaap, M., Silver, J. D., Sokhi, R. S., Vira, J., Werhahn, J., Wolke, R., Yarwood, G., Zhang, J., Rao, S. T., Galmarini, S.

Model evaluation and ensemble modelling of surface-level ozone in Europe and North America in the context of AQMEII

Atmos. Environ., 53, 60-74


Solazzo, E., Bianconi, R., Pirovano, G., Matthias, V., Vautard, R., Appel, W., Bessagnet, B., Brandt, J., Christensen, J., Chemel, C., Coll, I., Ferreira, J., Forkel,  R., Francis, X., Chemel, G., Grossi, P., Hansen, A., Miranda, A., Moran, M., Nopmongcol, U., Prank, M., Sartelet, K., Schaap, M., Silver, J., Sokhi, R., Vira, J., Werhahn, J., Wolke, R., Yarwood, G., Zhang, J., Rao, S. T., Galmarini, S.

Operational model evaluation for particulate matter in Europe and North America in the context of the AQMEII project

Atmos. Environ., 53, 75-92


Vautard, R., Moran, M. D., Solazzo, E., Gilliam, R. C., Matthias, V., Bianconi, R., Chemel, C., Ferreira, J., Geyer, B., Hansen, A. B., Jericevic, A., Prank, M., Segers, A., Silver, J. D., Werhahn, J., Wolke, R., Rao, S. T., Galmarini, S.

Evaluation of the meteorological forcing used for the Air Quality Model Evaluation International Initiative (AQMEII) air quality simulation

Atmos. Environ., 53, 15-37


Wolke, R., Schröder, W., Schrödner, R., Renner, E.

Influence of grid resolution and biomass burning emissions on air quality simulations: A sensitivity study with the modelling system COSMO-MUSCAT

32nd NATO/SPS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application (ITM 2012), Utrecht, The Netherlands, 7-11 May 2012, 559-563 (Chapter 94)

Wolke, R., Schroeder, W., Schroedner, R., Renner, E.

Influence of grid resolution and biomass burning emissions on air quality simulations: A sensitivity study with the modelling system COSMO-MUSCAT

32nd NATO/SPS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application (ITM 2012), Utrecht, The Netherlands, 7-11 May 2012, 559-563 (Chapter 94)

Wolke, R., Schröder, W., Schrödner, R., Renner, E.

Influence of grid resolution and meteorological forcing on simulated European air quality: A sensitivity study with the modeling system COSMO-MUSCAT

Atmos. Environ., 53, 110-130



Vautard, R., Moran, M. D., Solazzo, E., Gilliam, R. C., Matthias, V., Bianconi, R., Chemel, C., Ferreira, J., Geyer, B., Hansen, A. B., Jericevic, A., Prank, M., Segers, A., Silver, J. D., Werhahn, J., Wolke, R., Rao, S. T., Galmarini, S.

Evaluation of the meteorological forcing used for the Air Quality Model Evaluation InternationaI Initiative (AQMEII) air quality simulations

Wolke, R., Stoll, J., Smalla, A., Schrödner, R., Knoth, O., Renner, E.

The impact of meteorological uncertainties on the prediction of PM in urban areas

Steyn, D. G., Trini Castelli, S. (Ed.), In: Air pollution modeling and its application XXI : Proceedings of the 31th NATO/SPS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and Its Application (Torino, Italy, 27 September - 1 October 2010), Springer, Dordrecht, p. 473-477, (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - C : Environmental Security) , ISBN: ISBN 978-94-007-1358-1


Lieber, M., Wolke, R., Grützun, V., Müller, M. S., Nagel, W. E.

A framework for detailed multiphase cloud modeling on HPC systems

Chapman, B., Desprez, F., Joubert, G. R., Lichnewsky, A., Peters, F., Priol, T. (Ed.), In: Parallel computing: From multicores and GPU´s to petascale : Proceedings of ParCo09 "Advances in Parallel Computing", IOS Press, Amsterdam et al., p. 281-288, (Advances in parallel computing ; 19) , ISBN: ISBN 978-1-607-50529-7

Lieber, M., Grützun, V., Wolke, R., Müller, M. S., Nagel, W. E.

FD4: A framework for highly scalable load balancing and coupling of multiphase models

8th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, AIP Conference Proceedings, Rhodos, Greece, 19-25 September, 1281, 1639-1642


Lieber, M., Grützun, V., Wolke, R., Müller, M. S., Nagel, W. E.

Highly scalable dynamic load balancing in the atmospheric modeling system COSMO-SPECS+FD4

PARA 2010: State of the Art in Scientific and Parallel Computing, Springer, Reykjavík, Iceland, 6-9 June, 7133, 131-141 , ISBN: ISBN 978-3-642-28150-1

Renner, E., Wolke, R.

Modelling the formation and atmospheric transport of secondary inorganic aerosols with special attention to regions with high ammonia emissions

Atmos. Environ., 44, 1904-1912

Schlegel, M., Knoth, O., Arnold, M., Wolke, R.

Multirate implicit-explicit time integration schemes in atmospheric modelling

8th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, AIP Conference Proceedings, Rhodos, Greece, 19-25 September, 1831-1834

Wolke, R., Schlegel, M., Filaus, E., Knoth, O., Renner, E.

Coupled time-integration of chemical and aerosol dynamical processes by using multirate implicit-explicit schemes

Steyn, D. G., Rao, S. T. (Ed.), In: Air pollution modeling and its application XX : Proceedings of the 30th NATO/SPS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and Its Application (San Francisco, CA, USA, 18-22 May 2009), Springer, Dordrecht, p. 475-478, (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - C : Environmental Security) , ISBN: ISBN 978-90-481-3810-4

Wolke, R., Stoll, J., Smalla, A., Schrödner, R., Knoth, O., Renner, E.

The impact of meteorological uncertainties on the prediction of PM in urban areas

31st NATO/SPS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application (ITM 2010), Torino, Italy, 27 September - 1 October 2010


Deguillaume, L., Tilgner, A., Schrödner, R., Wolke, R., Chaumerliac, N., Herrmann, H.

Towards an operational aqueous phase chemistry mechanism for regional chemistry-transport models: CAPRAM-RED and its application to the COSMO-MUSCAT model

J. Atmos. Chem., 64, 1-35


Hinneburg, D., Renner, E., Wolke, R.

Formation of secondary inorganic aerosols by power plant emissions exhausted through cooling towers in Saxony

Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res., 16, 25-35


Schlegel, M., Knoth, O., Arnold, M., Wolke, R.

Multirate Runge-Kutta schemes for advection equations

J. Comput. Appl. Math., 226, 345-357

Wolke, R., Schlegel, M., Filaus, E., Knoth, O., Renner, E.

Coupled time-integration of chemical and aerosol dynamical processes by using multirate implicit-explicit schemes

30th NATO/SPS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution and its Application (ITM 2009), San Francisco, CA, USA, 18-22 May 2009, CD P 5.4 (4 p.)


Lieber, M., Wolke, R.

Optimizing the coupling in a parallel air quality model system

Environ. Modell. Softw., 23, 235-243

Renner, E., Wolke, R.

Formation of secondary inorganic aerosols by high ammonia emissions simulated by LM/MUSCAT

Borrego, C., Miranda, A. I. (Ed.), In: Air pollution modeling and its application XIX : Proceedings of the 29th NATO/CCMS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and Its Application (Aveiro, Portugal, 24-28 September 2007), Springer, Dordrecht, p. 522-529, (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - C : Environmental Security) , ISBN: ISBN 978-1-4020-8451-5

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