Prof. Wiedensohler has now been appointed to the Fudan University (FDU) in Shanghai as a renowned aerosol expert to lead the establishment of a scientific calibration laboratory for physical aerosol measurements. Photo: Tilo Arnhold, TROPOS
TROPOS expert again appointed professor in Shanghai
Shanghai/Leipzig. Alfred Wiedensohler is now also adjunct professor at Fudan University (FDU) in Shanghai. The Head of the Department Experimental Aerosol & Cloud Microphysics at TROPOS was appointed for three years by the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering at the Chinese University. He is the second expert of the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research who support the FDU in Shanghai, alongside Prof Hartmut Herrmann, head of the TROPOS Department of Atmospheric Chemistry. Wiedensohler will lead the establishment of a scientific calibration laboratory, which will enable physical aerosol measurements of the highest quality in China in future.
Fudan University (FDU) in Shanghai is one of the 16 institutions that have improved the most in the "Nature Index" between 2015 and 2017. The Fudan University is thus one of the world's up-and-coming research institutions. "The government is pushing for measures to combat dangerous air pollution in China's megacities and the effects of climate change. The Fudan University plays an important role in this," says the journal Nature, explaining the importance of the FDU. Its importance for geosciences and environmental sciences will continue to grow: In April 2018, the FDU opened a Department of Atmospheric and Ocean Research.
Prof Wiedensohler was as worldwide well-known aerosol expert also visiting professor at the Peking University in China and has also an adjunct professorship at the Leipzig Institute of Meteorology at the University of Leipzig. He is editor-in-chief of the journal "Atmospheric Environment" and is author or co-author of more than 370 peer-reviewed scientific publications. Alfred Wiedensohler is one of only eleven scientists from Germany to be listed in Thomson Reuters' current citation ranking in the field of geosciences. According to "Highly Cited Researchers", this makes him one of the most influential scientists in the world. At TROPOS, Wiedensohler also heads the World Calibration Center for Aerosol Physics (WCCAP) as part of the GAW program of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). His research focuses mainly on long-term measurements and process studies on air quality and climate effects of aerosols (particulate matter) in the atmosphere. Tilo Arnhold
Alfred Wiedensohler
Department of Environmental Science & Engineering, Fudan University
"Nature" ranking recognizes Fudan University as "rising star" www.tropos.de/en/current-issues/press-releases/kurzmitteilungen/km-4/
Prof. Wiedensohler has now been appointed to the Fudan University (FDU) in Shanghai as a renowned aerosol expert to lead the establishment of a scientific calibration laboratory for physical aerosol measurements. Photo: Tilo Arnhold, TROPOS