Reading & discussion with Michael E. Mann "The new climate war" (German title "Progagandaschlacht ums Klima")

As part of "Leipzig liest extra", the renowned climate researcher Michael E. Mann have read from his new book "The new climate war". There was also be a round table & discussion on the book. This event took place on two evenings in English and German:


In English, author Michael E. Mann was reading on Thursday, 27 May 2021, 7:30 to 8:30 p.m..

The event is online on YouTube

In German, his translator Matthias Hüttmann was reading on the following evening: Friday, 28 May 2021, 7:30 to 8:30 p.m..
(Lesung am 28.5. zu „Propagandaschlacht ums Klima“ auf deutsch).

The event is online on YouTube


Michael E. Mann
The new climate war: The Fight to Take Back Our Planet
Publisher: PublicAffairs
ISBN: 978-1-541-75822-3


The event is organised by Scientists for Future LeipzigLeibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung and Parents for Future Leipzig.

Michael E. Mann: The new climate war: The Fight to Take Back Our Planet. Quelle: PublicAffairs

Michael E. Mann: The new climate war: The Fight to Take Back Our Planet. Quelle: PublicAffairs