Lidar-Techniken zur entfernungsaufgelösten Fernmessung atmosphärischer Größen und erste technische Regeln zu diesen neuen Messverfahren
Adaption of the MODIS aerosol retrieval algorithm using airborne spectral surface reflectance measurements over urban areas: A case study
Seasonal variability of heterogeneous ice formation in stratiform clouds over the Amazon Basin
Aerosol optical properties observed by combined Raman-elastic backscatter lidar in winter 2009 in Pearl River Delta, south China
Surface matters: Limitations of CALIPSO V3 aerosol typing in coastal regions
PollyNET – a network of multiwavelength polarization Raman lidars
LACROS: The Leipzig Aerosol and Cloud Remote Observations System
North-south cross sections of the vertical aerosol distribution over the Atlantic Ocean from multiwavelength Raman/polarization lidar during Polarstern cruises
Radiative effect of aerosols above the northern and southern Atlantic Ocean as determined from shipborne lidar observations
Airborne measurements of urban surface reflectivity and albedo
Ground-based validation of CALIPSO observations of dust and smoke in the Cape Verde region
Comparison of high-spectral-resolution lidar with Raman lidar
Aerosol-cloud interaction, a notorious source of uncertainties in climate research: Role of lidar in liquid-water and mixed-phase cloud studies
Aerosol profiling with lidar in the Amazon Basin during the wet and dry season
Optical properties of biomass burning aerosol in the Amazon Basin
Recent upgrades of the multiwavelength polarization Raman Lidar PollyXT
Geometrical, optical and microphysical properties of atmospheric aerosols in Northern India
One-year aerosol profiling with EUCAARI Raman lidar at Shangdianzi GAW station: Beijing plume and seasonal variations
Lidar depolarization and sun photometer polarization measurements for particle characterization over Guangzhou, China
Comparison of Raman lidar observations of water vapor with COSMO-DE forecasts during COPS 2007
Caliop observations in coastal regions at southern midlatitudes compared to pollyxt measurements
Technical note: One year of Raman-lidar measurements in Gual Pahari EUCAARI site close to New Delhi in India – Seasonal characteristics of the aerosol vertical structure
Comparison of optical and microphysical properties of pure Saharan mineral dust observed with AERONET Sun photometer, Raman lidar, and in situ instruments during SAMUM 2006
Transmitter-receiver unit of the UHOH water vapor dial with a scanning 800-mm telescope mirror
Ground-based validation of calipso observations of dust and smoke in the Cape Verde region
Volcanic ash over Scandinavia originating from the Grímsvötn eruptions in May 2011
Volcanic ash over Scandinavia originating from the Grímsvötn eruptions in May 2011
Integrated remote-sensing techniques to study aerosols, clouds, and their interaction
Observations of aerosol-cloud-turbulence interaction with integrated remote-sensing instrumentation
Further evidence for significant smoke transport from Africa to Amazonia