High-resolution mapping of regional NMVOCs using the fast space-time Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LightGBM)
High-resolution mapping of regional VOCs using the enhanced space-time extreme gradient boosting machine (XGBoost) in Shanghai
Unraveling the O3-NOX-VOCs relationships induced by anomalous ozone in industrial regions during COVID-19 in Shanghai
BBCOMP: Analysis of biomass burning molecular Composition in twin sites in Melpitz
Temperature-dependent oxidation of hydroxylated aldehydes by •OH, SO4•–, and NO3• radicals in the atmospheric aqueous phase
Abrupt exacerbation in air quality over Europe after the outbreak of Russia-Ukraine war
Chemical drivers of ozone change in extreme temperatures in eastern China
Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) through Uptake of Isoprene Hydroxy Hydroperoxides (ISOPOOH) and its oxidation products
Carbon and hydrogen isotope fractionation of phthalates during photocatalysis reactions in aqueous solution containing Fe(III) complexes or iron minerals
Carbon isotope fractionation of di-(2-ethylhexyl)-phthalate during photosensitized degradation by •OH and SO4•− for characterization of reaction mechanisms
Humic substance photosensitized degradation of phthalate esters characterized by 2H and 13C isotope fractionation
Urban grime photochemistry and its interaction with air pollutants NO, NO2, and O3: A source for HONO and NO2 impacting OH in urban areas
Compaction and application of the CAPRAM biomass burning module BBM 1.0
Fluxes of atmospheric nutrients during dust events to the Atlantic Ocean and their impact on regional ocean productivity
Large gas-phase source of esters and other accretion products in the atmosphere
Global organic and inorganic aerosol hygroscopicity and its effect on radiative forcing
Impact of 2020 COVID-19 lockdowns on particulate air pollution across Europe
Changes in biodiversity impact atmospheric chemistry and climate through plant volatiles and particles
Aqueous-phase photo-oxidation of selected green leaf volatiles initiated by •OH radicals: Products and atmospheric implications
Investigation into the composition and characteristics of burn chamber generated biomass burning aerosol exposed to different atmospherically relevant conditions
Factors influencing the formation of nitrous acid from photolysis of particulate nitrate
The potential of high temporal resolution automatic measurements of PM2.5 composition as an alternative to the filter-based manual method used in routine monitoring
Trenduntersuchung der Levoglucosan-Konzentration in der Außenluft am Standort Melpitz unter Berücksichtigung der Witterungsbedingungen (Abschlussbericht)
Amino acids, carbohydrates, and lipids in the tropical oligotrophic Atlantic Ocean: Sea-to-air transfer and atmospheric in situ formation
Reduced atmospheric sulfate enhances fine particulate nitrate formation in eastern China
Atmospheric and surface processes, and feedback mechanisms determining arctic amplification: A review of first results and prospects of the (AC)3 Project
Marine carbohydrates in Arctic aerosol particles and fog – diversity of oceanic sources and atmospheric transformations
Unveiling the underestimated direct emissions of nitrous acid (HONO)
Impact of chemical properties of human respiratory droplets and aerosol particles on airborne viruses' viability and indoor transmission
Kinetics and mechanisms of aqueous-phase reactions of triplet-state imidazole-2-carboxaldehyde and 3,4-dimethoxybenzaldehyde with α,β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds
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Hinweis zur Suche nach Abteilungen:
Aerosol & Wolken: 2011 -
Fernerkundung: 2011 -
Physik: - 2010