Experimentelle Validierung und Assimilation von Aeolus Beobachtungen: Validierung der Aerosol‐ und Windprodukte durch bodengebundene Instrumente des TROPOS (Zwischenbericht 2020)
Half-yearly Aeolus Cal/Val report Q2 2020 – Template for measurement teams
Half-yearly Aeolus Cal/Val report Q4 2019 – Template for measurement teams
PollyNET/Pollynet_Processing_Chain: Version 2.0 (Zenodo)
Validation of Aeolus wind products above the Atlantic Ocean
The sub-adiabatic model as a concept for evaluating the representation and radiative effects of low-level clouds in a high-resolution atmospheric model
Spatiotemporal variability of solar radiation introduced by clouds over Arctic Sea ice
Dynamic model of photovoltaic module temperature as a function of atmospheric conditions
Supplement to "Dynamic model of photovoltaic module temperature as a function of atmospheric conditions" (Version 1) [Data set]
A prequel to the Dantean Anomaly: The precipitation seesaw and droughts of 1302 to 1307 in Europe
Observation and radiative transfer modelling of spectrally resolved UV radiation in Melpitz, Germany
The Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern Hemisphere (YOPP-SH)
pyLARDA3 v0.1 (Zenodo)
Detection and attribution of aerosol-cloud interactions in large-domain large-eddy simulations with the ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic model
Optical and geometrical aerosol particle properties over the United Arab Emirates
ACTRIS Aerosol Remote Sensing COVID-19 campaign data of May 2020
ACTRIS Aerosol Remote Sensing Data during the COVID-19 pandemic
Estimation of cloud condensation nuclei number concentrations and comparison to in situ and lidar observations during the HOPE experiments
Is the near-spherical shape the “new black” for smoke?
The potential of elastic and polarization lidars to retrieve extinction profiles
Cloudnet ice particles effective radius during PS106. Leibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung e.V., Leipzig [dataset]
Cloudnet IWC during PS106. Leibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung e.V., Leipzig [dataset]
Cloudnet liquid droplet effective radius during PS106. Leibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung e.V., Leipzig [dataset]
Cloudnet LWC during PS106. Leibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung e.V., Leipzig [dataset]
Cloudnet target categorization during PS106. Leibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung e.V., Leipzig [dataset]
Cloudnet target classification during PS106. Leibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung e.V., Leipzig [dataset]
OCEANET-ATMOSPHERE Cloud radar Mira-35 during PS106. Leibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung e.V., Leipzig [dataset]
OCEANET-ATMOSPHERE low level stratus clouds during PS106. Leibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung e.V., Leipzig [dataset]
OCEANET-ATMOSPHERE Microwave Radiometer HATPRO during PS106. Leibniz-Institut für Troposphärenforschung e.V., Leipzig [dataset]
Application of the shipborne remote sensing supersite OCEANET for profiling of Arctic aerosols and clouds during Polarstern cruise PS106
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Hinweis zur Suche nach Abteilungen:
Aerosol & Wolken: 2011 -
Fernerkundung: 2011 -
Physik: - 2010