Meteorological conditions during the ACLOUD/PASCAL field campaign near Svalbard in early summer 2017
SALSA2.0: The sectional aerosol module of the aerosol-chemistry-climate model ECHAM6.3.0-HAM2.3-MOZ1.0
Size-resolved surface active substances of atmospheric aerosol: Reconsideration of the impact on cloud droplet formation
Verbundbericht PalMod-2-4 (Staubkreislauf)
An assessment of aerosol optical properties from remote-sensing observations and regional chemistry–climate coupled models over Europe
Transport of mineral dust and its impact on climate
Modellierung von Luftströmung im Erzgebirge während ausgewählter Zeiträume (Abschlussbericht)
Modelling multiphase aerosol-cloud processing with the 3-D CTM COSMO-MUSCAT: Application for cloud events during HCCT-2010
Climate feedback on aerosol emission and atmospheric concentrations
Large-scale modeling of absorbing aerosols and their semi-direct effects
Wildfires as a source of airborne mineral dust – revisiting a conceptual model using large-eddy simulation (LES)
The impact of mineral dust on cloud formation during the Saharan dust event in April 2014 over Europe
The impact of Saharan desert dust on cloud formation: A regional modelling study
Satellite retrievals of dust aerosol over the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf (2005-2015)
Regional effects of atmospheric aerosols on temperature: An evaluation of an ensemble of online coupled models
Implementation of aerosol-cloud interactions in the regional atmosphere-aerosol model COSMO-MUSCAT(5.0) and evaluation using satellite data
Modelling of energy and matter exchange
Kinetic modeling studies of SOA formation from α-pinene ozonolysis
Selected aspects of new particle formation in the earth atmosphere: Ion-mediated aerosol formation
Long-term profiling of mineral dust and pollution aerosol with multiwavelength polarization Raman lidar at the Central Asian site of Dushanbe, Tajikistan : Case studies
Einfluss biogener Emissionen auf die Bildung von sekundärem organischem Aerosol (SOA)
Redistribution of ice nuclei between cloud and rain droplets: Parameterization and application to deep convective clouds
Harmattan, Saharan heat low and West African Monsoon circulation: Modulations on the Saharan dust outflow towards the North Atlantic
Review series on selected topics of atmospheric sol formation: Volume 4 : Selected aspects of new particle formation in the earth atmosphere: Ion-mediated aerosol formation
IMEX peer methods for fast-wave-slow-wave problems
Implementation of aerosol-cloud interactions in the regional atmosphere-aerosol model COSMO-MUSCAT(5.0) and evaluation using satellite data
The influence of environmental drivers on the enrichment of organic carbon in the sea surface microlayer and in submicron aerosol particles - measurements from the Atlantic Ocean
ML-CIRRUS - The airborne experiment on natural cirrus and contrail cirrus with the high-altitude long-range research aircraft HALO
The Saharan aerosol long-range transport and aerosol-cloud-interaction experiment: Overview and selected highlights
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Hinweis zur Suche nach Abteilungen:
Aerosol & Wolken: 2011 -
Fernerkundung: 2011 -
Physik: - 2010