Multirate time integration methods and their application for coupled atmosphere-ocean models
A CAPRAM modeling study on the role of heterogeneous reactions on dust in tropospheric chemistry
Dust aerosol from the Aralkum Desert influences the radiation budget and atmospheric dynamics of Central Asia
A belowground perspective on the nexus between biodiversity change, climate change, and human well‐being
Long range transport of South and East Asian anthropogenic aerosols counteracting Arctic warming
Irreversible thermodynamics of seawater evaporation
TEOS-10 Equations for determining the Lifted Condensation Level (LCL) and climatic feedback of marine clouds
The implementation of dust mineralogy in COSMO5.05-MUSCAT
Simulations of the impact of cloud condensation nuclei and ice-nucleating particles perturbations on the microphysics and radar reflectivity factor of stratiform mixed-phase clouds
Data for paper publication "Modelling emission and transport of key components of primary marine organic aerosol using the global aerosol-climate model ECHAM6.3–HAM2.3" (v1.0) [Data set]
Urban and Remote cheMistry modELLing with the new chemical mechanism URMELL: Part I gas-phase mechanism development
URMELL - part II: Semi-explicit isoprene and aromatics gasSOA modelling
Biodiversity and climate extremes: Known interactions and research gaps
Vergleich der Simulationsergebnisse des Chemietransportmodells COSMO-MUSCAT gegen Daten aus den Luftgütemessnetzen mit Fokus auf Ozon
Adjustments to climate perturbations - mechanisms, implications, observational constraints
2024 DKRZ-Report für Projekt bb1262 - Impact of aerosol on cloud microphysics, phase partitioning and precipitation formation
tobac v1.5: introducing fast 3D tracking, splits and mergers, and other enhancements for identifying and analysing meteorological phenomena
Einfluss des Lockdowns im Frühjahr 2020 auf die Luftqualität in Deutschland
Dynamic evaluation of modeled ozone concentrations in Germany with four chemistry transport models
tobac - Tracking and Object-based Analysis of Clouds (v1.5.3) (Zenodo)
Quantifying re-driven dust emissions using a global aerosol model
Contrasting extremely warm and long-lasting cold air anomalies in the North Atlantic sector of the Arctic during the HALO-(AC)3 campaign
Urban air-pollution modeling at gray-zone resolutions
Dataset associated with Banks et al. (2023): “Radiative cooling and atmospheric perturbation effects of dust aerosol from the Aralkum Desert in Central Asia” (Version v1) [Data set]
Dataset associated with Banks et al.: "Dust aerosol from the Aralkum Desert influences the radiation budget and atmospheric dynamics of Central Asia" (Version v2) [Data set]
Python code associated with Banks et al. (2023): “Radiative cooling and atmospheric perturbation effects of dust aerosol from the Aralkum Desert in Central Asia” [Software] (Zenodo)
Satellites reveal Earth's seasonally shifting dust emission sources
The role of a low-level jet for stirring the stable atmospheric surface layer in the Arctic
Air pollution reductions caused by the COVID-19 lockdown open up a way to preserve the Himalayan glaciers
Modelling of dust emissions from agricultural sources in Europe
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Hinweis zur Suche nach Abteilungen:
Aerosol & Wolken: 2011 -
Fernerkundung: 2011 -
Physik: - 2010