Bohlmann, S., Baars, H., Radenz, M., Engelmann, R., Macke, A.

Ship-borne aerosol profiling with lidar over the Atlantic Ocean: From pure marine conditions to complex dust-smoke mixtures

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 9661-9679


Griesche, H., Seifert, P., Baars, H., Bühl, J., Barrientos, C., Egerer, U., Engelmann, R., Nomokonova, T., Radenz, M., Macke, A.

Continuous profiling of aerosols and clouds of the Arctic during Polarstern cruise PS106

27th International Polar Conference 2018, German Society for Polar Research, Rostock, Germany, 25-29 March 2018


Radenz, M., Bühl, J., Lehmann, V., Görsdorf, U., Leinweber, R.

Combining cloud radar and radar wind profiler for a value added estimate of vertical air motion and particle terminal velocity within clouds

Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 5925-5940


Radenz, M., Bühl, J.

Software package for added value products from combined measurements of Radar Wind Profiler and Cloud Radar ("Spectra Mole") - Release from 2018-10-05 (Zenodo)


Haarig, M., Ansmann, A., Gasteiger, J., Kandler, K., Althausen, D., Baars, H., Radenz, M., Farrell, D. A.

Dry versus wet marine particle optical properties: RH dependence of depolarization ratio, backscatter, and extinction from multiwavelength lidar measurements during SALTRACE

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 14199-14217



Bühl, J., Leinweber, R., Görsdorf, U., Radenz, M., Ansmann, A., Lehmann, V.

Combined vertical-velocity observations with Doppler lidar, cloud radar and wind profiler

Atmos. Meas. Tech., 8, 3527-3536


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