Atmospheric temperature, water vapour and liquid water path from two microwave radiometers during MOSAiC
Numerical weather predictions and re-analysis as input for lidar inversions: Assessment of the impact on optical products
On the application and grid-size sensitivity of the urban dispersion model CAIRDIO v2.0 under real city weather conditions
Retrieving ice-nucleating particle concentration and ice multiplication factors using active remote sensing validated by in situ observations
Aerosol - remote sensing, characterization and aerosol-radiation interaction
CALIPSO Aerosol-typing scheme misclassified stratospheric fire smoke: Case study from the 2019 Siberian wildfire season
Tropospheric and stratospheric wildfire smoke profiling with lidar: Mass, surface area, CCN, and INP retrieval
Californian wildfire smoke over Europe: A first example of the aerosol observing capabilities of Aeolus compared to ground‐based lidar
Experimentelle Validierung und Assimilation von Aeolus Beobachtungen: Validierung der Aerosol‐ und Windprodukte durch bodengebundene Instrumente des TROPOS (Zwischenbericht 2021)
Half-yearly Aeolus Cal/Val report Q2 2021 – Template for measurement teams
Half-yearly Aeolus Cal/Val report Q4 2021 – Template for measurement teams
PollyNET/Pollynet_Processing_Chain: Version 2.1 (Zenodo)
Analyse von Wolkenprodukten aus passiven Messungen anhand simulierter EarthCARE-Daten
Aerosol radiative impact during the summer 2019 heatwave produced partly by an inter-continental Saharan dust outbreak – Part 1: Short-wave dust direct radiative effect
Experimental assessment of a micro-pulse lidar system in comparison with reference lidar measurements for aerosol optical properties retrieval
Increasing the spatial resolution of cloud property retrievals from Meteosat SEVIRI by use of its high-resolution visible channel: Implementation and examples
Measurement report: Comparison of airborne, in situ measured, lidar-based, and modeled aerosol optical properties in the central European background – identifying sources of deviations
Wildfire smoke, Arctic haze, and aerosol effects on mixed-phase and cirrus clouds over the North Pole region during MOSAiC: An introduction
Advection of biomass burning aerosols towards the southern hemispheric mid-latitude station of Punta Arenas as observed with multiwavelength polarization Raman lidar
Effects of aerosols and clouds on the levels of surface solar radiation and solar energy in Cyprus
Contrasting ice formation in Arctic clouds: Surface-coupled vs. surface-decoupled clouds
Retrieval of shape and orientation of multiple hydrometeor types from observations of scanning hybrid-mode Ka-band cloud radar
Data for paper publication 'Extreme 2019-2020 Australian wildfires substantially perturbed Earth's radiation budget' (Version v1.0) [Data set]
Data for paper publication 'Important role of stratospheric injection height for the distribution and radiative forcing of smoke aerosol from the 2019/2020 Australian wildfires' (Version v2.0) [Data set]
Observations of aerosol and liquid-water clouds with dual-field-of-view polarization lidar - A ground-based view on aerosol-cloud interactions
Measurement report: Balloon-borne in situ profiling of Saharan dust over Cyprus with the UCASS optical particle counter
Geometrical and microphysical properties of clouds formed in the presence of dust above the Eastern Mediterranean
Entwicklung innovativer satellitengestützter Methoden zur verbesserten PV-Ertragsvorhersage auf verschiedenen Zeitskalen für Anwendungen auf Verteilnetzebene (Schlussbericht)
Aerosol type classification analysis using EARLINET multiwavelength and depolarization lidar observations
The unexpected smoke layer in the High Arctic winter stratosphere during MOSAiC 2019–2020
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Hinweis zur Suche nach Abteilungen:
Aerosol & Wolken: 2011 -
Fernerkundung: 2011 -
Physik: - 2010